Thimble Thoughts: Hannah's Essay on Commitment

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hannah's Essay on Commitment

Commitments kids make are ones like: cleaning your room, making your bed, feeding your pet, doing the chores your parents gave you, cleaning the kitchen, and washing the car. Kids make all kinds of commitments.

Adults make a lot of commitments also, only theirs are more important. Adults make commitments like: cleaning someone's house on a weekly basis, teaching a Sunday School class, teaching a school class for someone and many other things.

I know that a lot of people will make a commitment to God even if they don't want to. But they will make commitments like these: praying everyday, putting Him first, loving someone who does not show love back to them, and loving Him more than anything.

If you break your commitment as a kid you could get grounded, not get supper, or do something you hate.

Breaking a commitment to God can get you in trouble. The Lord could make you sick, and if the commitment you made to God is really, really important, He could get you in a car accident or make you fall and get hurt really bad. You have to be responsible for the commitments you make and you have to do them no matter what you want to do.

If you break your commitment as an adult anything could happen. You could get fired from your job, get hurt in a weird way, or end up doing something you did not intend to do.

Everyone who makes a commitment is responsible for their commitment and needs to stick to it.

Hannah, age 12.

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