Thimble Thoughts: A Light On The Hill

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Light On The Hill

A Light On The Hill
A tribute to Pastor & Mrs. Ava Goodman.

~By Vickie Davis

God put a light on a hill for all to see,
the prettiest spot in the county to me.
For it's there we meet together week after week,
to sing God's praises and His divine will seek.

In Sunday School we learn more about God's Word,
then we hear the best singing you've ever heard.
And spirit-filled preaching - well we get PLENTY
From Dr. J. Barry Goodman, the best of any.

We see the precious Holy Spirit working in hearts.
It thrills us to know that we've had a small part
in souls that have been saved, and lives that were changed
because God's people gave through faith unfeigned.

From Faith Baptist Church the Word goes out
throughout this land and regions 'round about.
Across the seas into foreign lands,
our missionaries reach out to fallen man.

Behind prison doors the faithful men of Faith go
to share the Good News with those in woe.
Those in the nursing homes are not forgotten
they're told about Jesus, God's only Begotten.

The young and the old and all those in between,
at various activities, they all can be seen.
For we love to fellowship and we love to eat.
It's just like family every time we meet.

To name the rest of our ministries would be quite a task,
so I'll mention just a few in case anyone asks.
Our orchestra is the BEST by far,
our string group features fiddle, banjo, and guitar.

The bus ministry thrives on Saturday morn,
our radio broadcasts over the airways are borne.
Our ministries keep growing year after year,
for you see, Christ's coming is drawing near.

So as we honor you, Pastor, on your special day,
we thank the Dear Lord for sending you and Mrs. Ava our way.
For the light on the hill shines brighter by far,
because of how SPECIAL the two of you are.
