Thimble Thoughts: Finally

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I've been reading everyone's blogs and seeing your pictures, wishing I could be there to play in your snow. Well, guess what! After two long awaited years, we finally have our OWN snow!!! :)

We heard it was coming, but we've heard that before and it never came. I wouldn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.

This morning when I got up to let Tipsy out. There it was! SNOW! Beautiful, white, fluffy snow. Tipsy didn't know what to think. But she soon found out that it was kind of nice and began to enjoy it. Eating it, that is. Her little nose was covered in it.

Yes, not much to it, but it's SNOW!!

The children were so happy that Harrison ran down the hall from his room with his clothes on inside out begging to play in that "...beautiful snow. Can we have a snow day from school?" I did give them a delay in their school work, but not the whole day.
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We heard the snow would be gone, probably by tomorrow, so I told them they better get out there and play. And play they did. Building a snowman and killing each other with snowballs.

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I had to giggle because they didn't have anything for the snowman's eyes. But Hannah did find some broccoli that worked just fine. I thought it made him look cute. It looks as though he was just as pleasantly surprised as we were to have snow.

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