Play Pictures
This is my mother-in-law, Marie, with her seven brothers and sisters. They have two more brothers, but Uncle Larry went home to the Lord last year and Uncle Vernon didn't make it to the reunion this year. From left to right, front row: Aunt Sylvia, Aunt Jeanette, and Marie. Aunt Judy missed this shot. She must have already left the reunion by that time. From left to right, back row: Uncle Fred, Uncle JD, Uncle Roger, Uncle Everette, Uncle Richard. As you can see, with three siblings missing, they had a nice big family.
Anyway, this was at the reunion Saturday night and then Sunday we had our Christmas program. What a day! My son woke up at 5:00 AM with a swollen face complaining about his face hurting. Just getting over the flu and having quite a bit of congestion, I thought he might have a severe sinus infection. His face was so puffy. So after Sunday school I came back home, helped him get ready, and took him to the doctor. Turned out he did not have a sinus infection, but was getting ready to have one. They did put him on medication that has really knocked him off his feet and said he probably won't be feeling better for a week and a half yet. Anyway, he stayed home and missed the programs last night....obviously. By the time I was finished at the doctor's office, getting his prescription filled, and picking up my younger two from their Grandparent's home, I made it just in time for one last play practice. Here are the pictures of our programs.
This is Cassie. She's one of the teens that has stolen my heart.
She played the piano fifteen minutes before services began. She
did a GREAT job.
Here are the Patch kids getting situated on the Christmas tree.
The three children in front were my Christmas packages. It was
Celine, Benjamin, and Kaylee.
Laurel was my angel at the top of the tree.
These are the pee wee pirates. They were funny to watch while
they were being situated on the platform.
The play started with these three thieves who had come in
and stolen "the family's" gifts. John H, John O, and Nate.
Here are my pee wees ringing their jingle bells. They LOVED
their jingle bells. LOL
This is Jarren. He played Joshua and is singing
The Peanut Butter Song here. It was so cute!
This is Shelby. She played Ruthie and is here singing
I Wanna Cancel Christmas. Hilarious!!
The family is singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. The child in
the middle is Justin. He played Davey and did the recitations.
They all did a wonderful job on their parts. I appreciate their hard
Here they are reading the Christmas story together.
Christmas is the best time of year to praise the Lord!
Getting ready to sing the last song.
Pastor likes to do a litte Art Linklettering with the children, so
here he is asking the kids what they want for Christmas. Celine
said she wanted a castle.
Spencer and Brandon playing between the programs.
Brother RJ.
This is part of our youth choir. You can't see the ones on
the right and there were many out sick. Including my Justin.
This family had a son consumed in money and presents.
Here's Cassie singing Born To Die.
Here's my Hannah singing He Loves Me.
Here's the dad showing his son why Christ came.
The son got saved.
Mark and Crystal sang a duet with the youth choir backing them up.
They did a terrific job.
Both programs were great and one person was saved. That's what it's all about.
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