Thimble Thoughts: SIGMA Rush Night

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

SIGMA Rush Night

This Sunday we had our SIGMA Rush night. Our two teams decorated their spot in the gymnasium and were judged on displays and team spirit.

Our team, the Nu Delta Builders, used the verse Ephesians 2:21 for our team verse. We did a bulletin board with that verse, our team name, Greek letters, team colors (yellow and black) and each team member's signature.
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Our display consisted of two houses. One was built on the rock. You could pull the string and the house would teeter but would not fall.
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The other house was built on the sand. When you pulled its string, it would fall. I liked the thought of an interactive display. That was Bruce's idea.
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The background was black with dark storm clouds and flashing lightning bolts. Above each house were the verses about the house built on the sand and the house built on the rock.

The banner between the two houses was thought up and done by Cassie. She's a new member to the youth group this year and I've been blessed by her enthusiasm and willingness in all aspects of SIGMA. She even made cookies for her brother's team. (Sorry, Cassie, no Christian service points will be given for that!) :)
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Her banner read "God the builder. Can He fix it? Yes, He can!" We didn't get any good pictures of it because the team was in front of it everytime we had our camera. But hopefully I'll get a good one of it Wednesday before we take it all down.

Our food tables were decorated with yellow tablecloths and caution tape. The food we served was bagged lunches. Each one had a sandwich, chips, and oatmeal cake. These were thought of by John O', our team president, so that mothers with small children could come by and just grab a bag for their little one without having to balance three and four plates at a time. Great idea, John!

We also had sandwiches, soups, and desserts. The soups were EXCELLENT! I tasted each one and I did have a favorite, but I'm not going to tell which one it was. There were chili beans, vegetable soups, and a taco soup.
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Bruce worked Saturday night, but was at church for honor guard Sunday morn and then back again for the Rush night. It was good to have him there. If you look in the corner of the table you can see my dad's arm reaching for ANOTHER cream puff. Shame shame, daddy!!
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Our team wore their team colors and/or work clothes with tool belts and so forth. The kids taunted each other with cheers and jeers. Justin made up a cheer for them to yell at the KNIGHTS. It went like this,
"Hey! Knights! You are such a hassle! We can take you any day because WE built your castle!"
I thought that was cute.
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The other team was the Pi Gamma Knights. Their display was a castle with a bridge and mote. They used two free standing knights out in front of the castle and picket fence. It was pretty. Their team verse was Ephesians 6:11 and it was posted above their castle. Their food table was decorated with white tablecloths and side skirts. Their food consisted of a potato bar, nachos and cheese, and desserts.
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Their guys wore knights costumes......

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and their girls wore "princess" dresses and tiaras.
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We had a really good time and this being our first year in SIGMA, I think Rush night was pretty successful.

I know which team won the points, but I can't tell until it is announced Wednesday night. So you'll just have to wait until Thursday to find out. :)
