Thimble Thoughts: Our Holiday

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Our Holiday

Our July 4th Holiday was spent together, just our little family. It was really nice and slowly paced.
While Bruce was at the store picking up some last minute items, I cooked potato salad, cole slaw, deviled eggs, made dip for chips, and cut of lettuce, tomato, and onions. While I did that, Justin, Hannah, and Harrison decided they wanted to make caramel apples.

<---- wrapping the apples in caramel <----Putting the sticks in. Once the sticks were inserted, they baked them at 200 degrees for just five to eight minutes. <----The finished product!!!! I didn't bake the traditional American Apple Pie, but I did have a "Baked Apple Pie" candle burning. Does that count?

Justin and Hannah playing Sorry Card Revenge while Bruce grilled the Hot dogs and hamburgers.

"Ready to EAT!
Harrison enjoying the blue icing on some miniature cupcakes.

Later we went to see the fireworks uptown. They were nice.

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