Thimble Thoughts: Tagged for a Meme

Friday, November 30, 2007

Tagged for a Meme

Tori tagged me for a "seven things about me."

Here are the rules:
*Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their
*Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on
their blog.

Since there are several bloggers who have a "no tag zone" blog, I'm going to opt out of tagging anyone. But please feel free to play along if you like. And please let me know if you do decide to play. And thank you, Tori, for including me. :)

I've done the Eight Things About Me and also the Six Weird Things About Me. I'll try not to repeat myself. It's hard thinking up stuff about myself, but I'll try.

1. When my mom found out she was pregnant with me, she cried. She was afraid she'd give birth to another child like my brother, John. But God blessed her instead. (Oh, come on, know I'm kidding) :wink wink:

2. When my dad was in school at Bob Jones University, he was also the assistant manager of the campus snack shop. So us kids spent a lot of time on the campus just running around having a good time. One of my favorite places to go was the DP (dating parlor). There were love seats EVERYWHERE and Mrs. Collins, who was over the DP at that time, would play games with me at her desk, let me answer the phone, etc. She even let me make rounds with her. I would tell the dating couples they were sitting too close and remind them of the six inch rule. I was seven.

3. My brother, Larry, hit me in the head with a table leg one day when we were all playing. It was an accident, but I ended up with stitches in the top of my head. My dad thought I was OK until my mom came home from work and saw how much blood I had lost and was still losing. Can you say "HYSTERICAL?"

4. I got married at age 19. That's only four more years for Justin. I can't even imagine him being married at that age. Pretty scary!

5. I had a complete church wedding and reception thrown together in less than two weeks, an hour and a half away from our home. What would I have done without our friends and families?

6. I had my first child less than two weeks before my 21st birthday. I was in Germany with no mom in sight and scared to death.

7. I have a scar on the ring finger and the pinky finger of my left hand where I opened a can of Crisco before they had the easy pull tabs. For several days I nursed them with Vitamin E oil and hid them from my mother because I was afraid she'd take me for stitches. But for some reason I didn't think about the bloody towel I had left in the hamper giving away my secret. Again.....can you say "HYSTERICAL?"

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