Thimble Thoughts: Christmas Part III

Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Part III

Christmas Day we awoke to the sound of whispers and giggles coming from Hannah and Harrison as they gazed upon the gifts too large to wrap. We came in to see their faces and Justin soon followed. Then we began our gift giving.......after scripture reading and prayer, of course!

Justin with his Tippman 98 series paintball gun and accessories. We got him a big box of paintballs. Now he can participate in getting himself pretty well bruised up the next paintball outing we have with the men at church. LOL

Harrison got this little motorcycle. He was really thrilled with it. At first he was somewhat nervous about riding it. Now he gets up every morning ready to ride!

Several months ago, Hannah saw this pink footlocker and began saving her money for it. I was sort of afraid it would get gone because there was only a few of them so I bought it and kept it in Bruce's building for Christmas. Such disappointment when she saved her money and they were all gone. Imagine her surprise when realized she got it for Christmas. She also got a motorized scooter which she has enjoyed very much.

Justin got a new leather jacket he really liked.

Here's Harrison with his stocking stash. YUM!

Hannah got the Creative Zen Microphoto MP3 player. It holds lots of songs and will hold all of her pictures that she downloads to it. She was thrilled with that. Her daddy has downloaded her music to it and her pictures. She loves it.

Justin's electronics have become congested in his room and he's constantly having to plug and unplug something so he asked for an outlet strip. Well, we took the cord out and wrapped it, making it a very long gift. He couldn't figure out what it was but was happy when he realized it was what he asked for.

He was also thrilled with his Carolina hoodie.

Bruce asked for a new digital tuner, which I searched everywhere for and couldn't find. Apparently, this particular tuner was the hot ticket item for musicians this year. I went to seven different music stores and finally ended up having to order it from a music store in Minnesota. Who'da thunk it?

OK, now this was the funniest gift ever!! A couple of weeks ago, Bruce stood on something to change a lightbulb and what he was standing on broke. So he bought another one and we decided to get the kids one too. They needed one! Anyway, we got to thinking how funny it would be to wrap it up and put it under the tree. So we did. On the name tag, I wrote To Justin, Hannah OR Harrison. Whoever guesses the closest number, wins this gift. Bruce chose the number between one and ten, which was eight. Hannah said six, Justin said five, and Harrison said seven. Harrison won................................................

Oh, such disappoinment. LOL, the looks on their faces were hilarious. When Harrison opened it up he snarled up his nose and said, "A TOILET SEAT?? A STINKY TOILET SEAT??" Bruce and I nearly fell over laughing. It was so funny.
I realize there were no pictures of me. I suppose I'm a camera hog. We did get videos though. LOL Bruce bought me a lovely necklace. It's a mother of pearl hibiscus with a blue topaz center. He also bought me a web cam. So if any of you have one, let me know and we'll chit chat sometime. It takes pictures and video clips too. Here's a picture of me after messing around with my new little camera. Not really flattering, but here it is just the same. :)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I asked for some new baking pans from Michaels and he bought me those. That was one of those practical gifts like Susan mentioned on her post and he wasn't sure if that was something I really wanted for Christmas or not. But it was and he got them for me. I've been using them everyday since and I love 'em!!
