Thimble Thoughts: WOW! What a Day!

Friday, August 11, 2006

WOW! What a Day!

I am soooo tired. lol It's been a very busy day, but I've gotten a lot accomplished.

I was up at 6:00 getting ready to go to my parent's home to clean their house. I was there before 7:00 and finished up around 10:30 or so. I brought home their dog, Dolly, because they left for Gatlinburg, TN after Daddy's dialysis treatment today. Mom called just a little while ago to let me know that they had made up there safe and sound. They rented a cabin that over looks the mountains. She said it was breathtaking. They're planning on visiting our Pastor's son's church on Sunday and looking forward to that.

I came home long enough to drop off Dolly and flip through the mail. Nothing interesting. No one ever writes me a letter. :( Of course, since email, I don't do enough of traditional correspondance either. You know, I think I'll do that this week. Maybe write two or three of my friends that I haven't seen in a while. Hey, I know...I'll write ONE letter, copy it, and fill in the blanks for their names. LOL That's cheating, isn't it? Oh well.

I put a baby gate up across my front porch so the dogs could stay out there and play while Justin and I went to cut his yards. I dropped him off at Brother Chris and Sis Amanda's. His knee is still bothering him, so while he got started on their yard, I went to his second yard and did the hardest part of it. I cut until that was finished, went back to pick him up and drop him off at the second house to finish and I took his checks to deposit them in the bank and run other errands where I didn't have to get out of the car. lol I was soooooo dirty. lol I got back to him just as he was finishing up and got home in time to clean up the house a bit. I was going to get pizza for supper before I remembered that I had cooked pinto beans for tonight's supper last night in the crock pot. But once the kids heard the word "pizza" that was it and Bruce is out getting some now anyway. SO! Pizza and pintos. Hmmm....One gives you garlic breath and the other.............doesn't.

Well, that was my day. How was yours??
