Thimble Thoughts: Kitchen Survey

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Kitchen Survey

I found this on another blog and thought I'd do it too. So, thanks Tori, for the idea. :) If you'd like to check out her blog, which I have enjoyed very much, just click here. She's a Missionary wife in Croatia and I can tell she's a sweet lady and someone I would love to meet one day!

1. How many meals does most of your family eat at home each week?
I cook pretty much all week long. We only go out if we're going to be out during the supper or lunch hour or if Bruce and I go out on a date.

2. How many cookbooks do you own?
44 published including the Food and Family Magazines I spotlighted a couple of posts back, 1 homemade handwritten recipe journal with my favorite recipes given to me by my mother, mother-in-law and friends, and one homemade notebook of recipes retrieved through emails and websites.

3. When you cook, do you follow the recipe pretty closely, or do you use recipes primarily to give you ideas?
I usually follow closely when baking, but for the most part, I change things here and there to my family's liking.

4. What's your favorite kitchen task related to meal planning and preparation?
Probably using the food processor or any of my pampered chef products. That's always fun.

5. Do you plan menus before you shop?
Not really. I know the things we like and just try to keep stocked up on certain ingredients that I know I'll be using. If I know I'm going to follow a certain recipe, then I'll write down what I need before shopping.

6. What are your three favorite kitchen tools or appliances?
Food processor, PC rolling pin, PC can opener and also the PC stone....I know, that's four. But there are many more I enjoy using.

7. If you could buy one new thing for your kitchen, money was no object, and space not an issue, what would you most like to have?
Probably the PC utinsel caddy. My drawer is so full and I really need one to hold my stuff. That would be great. Not very exciting, but that's what I would get.

8. Since money and space probably are objects, what are you most likely to buy next?
I have no idea. I'm pretty content with my kitchen at this time. :)

9. Do you have a separate freezer for storage?
No, but I would LOVE to have one. That would be so great!

10. Grocery shop alone or with others?
Sometimes I go with my kids, but usually I go alone.

11. How many meatless main dish meals do you fix in a week?
Breakfast is the only meal we don't have meat unless I cook breakfast. And that's not often. Our other meals always have meat. We're a meat and potato kind of family. All except Harrison. He's an herbavore.

12. If you have a decorating theme in your kitchen, what is it? Favorite kitchen colors?
I used to do cows, but that got old. So I mooooooved all my cows to a consignment shop and decorated in florals. I don't really have a favorite "kitchen color" but my kitchen is pink and I LOVE the color pink.

13. What's the first thing you ever learned to cook, and how old were you?
Betty Crocker cake. I THINK I was 11 or 12.
